Hi! I'm Pedro La Rosa. Full-time Frontend Engineer and Software crafter.
I'm passionate about writing high-quality code leading beautiful, accessible, and scalable web-based applications and sites.
I was born in San Carlos, Venezuela
where I started my career in tech creating simple static templates and WordPress pages, Also I'm a very enthusiastic musician and art in general, I love to play guitar, and also when I have some free time I like to relax and edit some photos in affinity photo.
Currently, I'm living in the sunny Barcelona with my wife and my beautiful daughters
For me, software is a lifestyle
it is everywhere. and it's become a fundamental part of our everyday life, that's why I really care about being up to date on my craft. I consider myself a software crafter and a loyal follower of the agile manifesto, software crafter manifesto, and also the people behind the movement like Robert C. Marting, Kent Beck, Martin Fowler, and other great software engineers I've been learned of these latest years.
Even though I like to learn and enjoy working on any role in software development the area I enjoy the most is Frontend Engineering where I decided to specialize. being Javascript/Typescript my day-to-day programming language companion used along with HTML and CSS to create awesome, beautiful, accessible, and scalable Web Applications/Sites.
I also love to learn other programming languages I started programming on PHP, Visual Basic, and Turbo Pascal. However, right now I'm more interested in Haskell, Rust, and Golang aside from Javascript/typescript which is the one I feel most comfortable with.